3 Questions to Ask About Dermal Fillers
At Mediworks Rejuvenation Centre our professional and experienced team can help you with diminishing the looks of aging by using dermal facial fillers. Request an appointment online or contact us. We are conveniently located at Unit #103 – 15222 32nd Avenue Diversion, Surrey, BC V3Z 0R8, Canada.

Table of Contents:
What are dermal fillers?
How will my personal appearance benefit from injections of dermal fillers?
What can I expect from Mediworks Rejuvenation Centre during the dermal filler process?
Have you been looking for a longer-lasting treatment for those visible signs of aging? Sadly, as we age we begin to lose volume in our faces. This in turn results in lines that become etched around the nose, and mouth. In time our cheeks also show the effects of the aging process and they can begin to look a little hollow. That is where we at Mediworks Rejuvenation Centre come in to save the day. Our professional and experienced doctors can help you with diminishing the looks of aging by using Dermal (Facial) Fillers. What are Dermal Fillers? How will my personal appearance benefit by injections of Dermal Fillers? What can I expect from Mediworks Rejuvenation Centre during the Dermal Filler process?
Each year over a million men and women have been choosing dermal fillers as part of their facial rejuvenation treatment. Dermal fillers are designed to help restore volume to your skin. These gel-like substances are injected under the skin and go to work by helping to smooth out wrinkles. The dermal fillers also enhance the appearance of your lips and give you an overall more youthful appearance. There are a variety of dermal fillers that are approved by the FDA. At Mediworks Rejuvenation Centre we pride ourselves in using high-quality natural fillers. Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is one of the high-quality natural fillers used. This is a naturally occurring substance that is found in your skin and it aids with keeping your skin hydrated and looking full.
When we think of dermal fillers the first thing that may come to mind is filling those wrinkles. It is true that dermal fillers are excellent at smoothing out those unwanted wrinkles. However, they can also assist your appearance in many other ways. You may have noticed that you have been losing volume in your cheeks or temple areas. Dermal fillers will work at restoring that volume and lead to a more youthful appearance. Perhaps, it is your lip area that has been concerning you. Have you been experiencing more vertical lines or thinning lips? Then dermal fillers may be right for you. They can be used to diminish vertical lip lines and at the same time enhance the fullness of your lips. Are you tired of looking at that crease in your chin or the diminishing symmetry of your face? The effects of this part of aging can also be helped by dermal fillers.
At Mediworks Rejuvenation Centre and Drip Lounge, we understand the importance of having self-confidence and feeling good about how you look. That is why our dermal filler process is specifically designed to help you to get the results you are looking for, and in the most natural way available. When you meet with your dermal filler practitioner you will have the opportunity to express your desired results from the dermal filler procedure. You will be able to ask questions and share all of your concerns. Then, when you feel comfortable and ready to proceed, you and your doctor will work together to begin outlining the best treatment plans that will lead to the look you want.
If you are searching, or have been searching, for a natural approach to fuller facial features, as well as a younger-looking appearance, then our doctors at Mediworks Rejuvenation Centre and Drip Lounge are here to help. Dermal fillers mean you have no downtime, no surgery necessary, and you will see quick results. Do not hesitate to call us for more information today. Find out for yourself why we are the best-med spa in South Surrey BC. Schedule your appointment today. We serve patients from Surrey BC, Burnaby BC, Langley City BC, White Rock BC, New Westminster BC, Vancouver BC, and nearby areas.