Benefits of Glutathione Injections in South Surrey BC
Visit Mediworks Rejuvenation Centre and Drip Lounge to get Glutathione Treatment for enhanced immune function, elimination of toxins, antioxidant cell protection, and more. Talk to one of our experienced physicians today for more information about Glutathione Treatment. For more information, contact us or book an appointment online. We are conveniently located at Unit #103 – 15222 32nd Avenue Diversion, Surrey, BC V3Z 0R8, Canada.

As you age the levels of this powerful antioxidant in your body and cells fall and it is further depleted by stress, infection, illness, and exercise. It is known as the body’s master anti-oxidant since it is found to be effective in preserving good health and achieving long life.
There are many benefits for the body with elevated glutathione levels. Its metabolic functions include:
- Enhanced immune function
- Elimination of toxins
- Elimination of carcinogens
- Antioxidant cell protection
- Protections against ionizing radiation
- DNA synthesis and repair
- Protein synthesis
- Prostaglandin synthesis
- Amino acid transport
- Enzyme activation and regulation
These functions can be summarized into three general categories:
1. Antioxidant
GSH is the most powerful antioxidant occurring naturally in your body. The effectiveness of other antioxidants like vitamins C and E depends on glutathione. This is described in the following pages.
2. Detoxifier
Dozens of toxins are eliminated by the GSH enzyme system, including drug metabolites, pollutants, carcinogens, and radiation damage. It’s no surprise that GSH concentrations are highest in the liver, the body’s major detoxifying organ.
3. Immune System Enhancer
The immune system is dependent upon GSH for its proper functioning, in particular the creation and maintenance of T-cell lymphocytes, the body’s frontline defense against infection.
The number of toxins our body has to deal with every day is truly remarkable. To cope with this burden a fit, rested, a well-fed person must maintain adequate immunological and biochemical defense. The role played by GSH in these defense systems cannot be overstated. Glutathione detoxifies a large number of pollutants, carcinogens, heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides, and radiation. We are exposed every day to toxins like cigarette smoke, automobile exhaust, food preservatives, and dental amalgam and our body depends on GSH for their removal. Substances that raise GSH levels are being used with increasing frequency in the field of toxicology with considerable success. The immune system used various cells to fight off infection and other threats and the healthy growth and activity of these cells depend upon the availability of GSH.
Raising and maintaining GSH levels can minimize the risk of these diseases. Although only very ill people are severely deficient in GSH, those in good or fair health can benefit from GSH supplementation, especially these days when we are exposed as never before to environmental toxins and drug-resistant bacteria.
Without question, the best type of preventive medicine is an optimized immune system, and a critical strategy to optimize it is by feeding it GSH.
Possible clinical applications for elevated glutathione levels
- Parkinson’s disease
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Seizures
- Multiple sclerosis
Eye diseases
- Cataracts
- Macular degeneration
- Glaucoma
- Prevent heart disease
- Prevent stroke
- Prevent atherosclerosis
- Prevent reperfusion injury
Digestive system
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Hepatitis
- Malnutrition
- Pancreatitis
- Peptic Ulcer
- Certain drug overdoses
- Tobacco smoke, auto exhaust
- Pollutants including heavy metals, pesticides
- Prevents hearing loss from noise pollution
- Detoxifies many well-known carcinomas
Infectious disease and immunology
- Anti-viral (AIDS, hepatitis, herpes, common cold, etc.)
- Bacterial Infection
- Certain autoimmune dysfunction
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Immunosuppression
- Cancer prevention
- Suppress tumor growth
- Eliminate Carcinogens, mutagens
- Retard oxidative damage to DNA
- Prevent wasting disease
- Ease side effects of chemo- and radiotherapy
- Break up mucus (esp. cystic fibrosis)
- Asthma
- Chronic bronchitis
- Emphysema
- Pulmonary fibrosis
- Enhances athletic performance
- Decreases recovery time from physical stress/injury
- Decreases cholesterol and oxidation of LDL
- Supports hemoglobin in kidney failure
Interested in our services? Please call us or book an appointment today! We serve patients from Surrey BC, Burnaby BC, Langley City BC, White Rock BC, New Westminster BC, Vancouver BC, and nearby areas.